Gordon Duff: Russia says Baghdadi killing faked by US [& Israel] UPDATE 11

Exclusive: Russia says Bagdadi killing faked by US, part of new move against the region by Deep State Russian intelligence inside Syria reported that their S400 radar systems which cover Idlib saw no American aircraft over the area where the Baghdadi raid was claimed.  UPDATE 11: Robert Steele sums it all up in article published …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 37 – Depopulation.

American Gray Swans – Week 37 – Depopulation. Not a particularly charming subject, but certainly relevant. As an engineer we are trained to look at the evidence while removing emotion from our decision making process. It seems we have about 7.4 billion people on this spinning planet and it is increasing, and that with our …

John Whitehead: The American Gulag — Police State, Predatory Mental Illness Lies, Disarming Veterans…

The American Gulag: Brick by Brick, Our Prison Walls Get More Oppressive by the Day The age-old practice by which despotic regimes eliminate their critics or potential adversaries by making them disappear—or forcing them to flee—or exiling them literally or figuratively or virtually from their fellow citizens—is happening with increasing frequency in America.