Steven Vervaecke: Alternatives to Microsoft

Reacting to Mongoose: Microsoft Can Destroy Your Life If You Dare to Voice or Type “Hate Speech” (Not Defined) Using “Their” Tools This is childsplay, there is an abundance of alternatives on par or better than what M$ is providing Basing on the article we have this list

#UNRIG: Election Reform Act of 2020: A Citizen’s Guide to Achieving Democracy with Integrity (Trump Revolution Book 54)

#1 New Release in Urban, State & Local Government Law 70% of all eligible voters are disenfranchised — shut off from the possibility of being elected to any federal or state office, or having their vote count. The two-party tyranny — one bird, two wings, same crap — is a front for the Deep State. …

Donald Trump: Executive Order Against Online Censorship

Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1.  Policy.  Free speech is the bedrock of American democracy.  Our Founding Fathers protected this sacred right with the First Amendment to …

THE STEELE REPORT ULTRA TOP SECRET: Questions answered today 1300 Eastern

The Steele Report provides a 2,500-5,000 word text overview at the Presidential level each Monday at 0800 Eastern, and a one-hour private video answering subscriber questions each Saturday at 1300 Eastern. SPY IMPROV was established at Hackers on Planet Earth. See past sessions at YouTube. Below are the subscriber questions that will be answered on …

Penguin: PeerTube Gets to 2.2.0

Peertube just got to 2.2.0 And the future looks bright! Yesterday, we’ve published our new roadmap to PeerTube’s v3 detailing key features such as: global search moderation tools plugin & playlists peer-to-peer live streaming