US Goverment 2011 Revenue, Costs, & Debt–Two Party Tyranny Lies Straight Up, Media Goes Along

UPDATED 29 May 2011 to add top-level link: Seven Promises to America–Who Will Do This? Let’s start with the state of inequality in the USA today–the concentration of wealth would make Hitler proud.  The middle class is the Jews, the blue collar class is the working Poles (the ones allowed to live), and Congress is …

Search: violent comprehensive revolutions are of

Here are the concise references focused on revolution.  For corruption, collective intelligence, open space and other methods of non-violent consensus building and emergence, see the lists at the end of this post. Preconditions of Revolution in the USA Today Search: four preconditions for revolution Search: revolution theory preconditions Here is the bottom line:

Search: cost of corruption + Corruption RECAP

The discussion of corruption–and the urgency of reasserting integrity–permeates this website. Here are a general comment and a few links. General comment: Corruption consists of a lack of integrity, which in turn is not just about dishonesty, but about a failure to achieve transparency, truth, trust, and accurate feedback loops.  The cost of corruption, calculated …

US Diplomats Lighting Electronic Insurgency Fire

Interesting…..what are the potential ramifications, electronic insurgencies? Hillary Clinton’s Senior Tech Advisor Talks “Radical” Global Citizenship BY Gregory Ferenstein, 4 April 2011 Alec Ross on subversive technologies, Libya, Wikileaks, and the future of digital diplomacy.”We’re willing to make mistakes of commission,” he tells Fast Company, “rather than omission.” In the turbulent center of the Venn …