Berto Jongman: Algeria Fronting for US in Fabricating Al Qaeda Threat and Legitimizing US Military Occupation of Sahara?

Berto Jongman

Only noticed now, two years old, but makes more sense now with Mali and Niger in play.

Al-Qaeda in the Sahel

Jeremy Keenan explains how a Saharan front in the ‘global war on terror' was fabricated.

Jeremy Keenan

AlJazeera, 29 Aug 2010

In November 2009, Richard Barrett of the UN's al-Qaeda-Taliban monitoring team said that while attacks by al-Qaeda and its operatives were decreasing in many parts of the world, the situation was worsening in North Africa. He was referring specifically to the Sahel region of southern Algeria, Niger, Mali and Mauritania.

While the UN statement fits the catastrophic image being portrayed of the Sahara-Sahel region by the US, European and other Western interests, the truth is not only very different, but even more serious in that both the launch of the Saharan-Sahelian front in the ‘global war on terror' (GWOT) and the subsequent establishment of al-Qaeda in the region have been fabricated.

These two deceptions have one key feature in common, namely that they were both implemented by Algeria's secret military intelligence service, the Département du Renseignement et de la Sécurité (DRS), with the knowledge and complicity of the US.

I will explain each in turn.

Militarising Africa

A Saharan front in the GWOT was planned by the US and Algeria in 2002 and launched in early 2003.

The pivotal incident that justified the launch of the new front was the abduction in February-March 2003 of 32 tourists in the Algerian Sahara, ostensibly by Islamic extremists of Algeria's Groupe Salafiste pour le Prédication et le Combat (GSPC) under the leadership of Amari Saifi (aka El Para). However, it transpired that El Para was an agent of Algeria's DRS and his false flag operation had been undertaken with the complicity of the US department of defence.

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Penguin: Saudi Prince Bandar Dead? Syria Waging War on Saudis and CIA?

08 Wild Cards, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Who, Me

Lebanese general, CIA base, Bandar assassination or grievious wounding?  Not a word about Bandar since August, and July-August were all second and third stories.

Bandar still alive, insiders say

The Aspen Times, Friday, August 24, 2012


“The Iranians are constantly putting out stories through their agents of some mishap about Bandar that have been all false so far,” Ottaway wrote Thursday in response to an email query.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  We have no direct knowledge, but we do believe that the Syrian leadership understands the vulnerabilities of the Saudis as well as the Americans, and we share with Penguin the view that the car bomb on 19 October in Lebanon, the eradication of the CIA base in Benghazi, and the attack against Bandar are probably related to Syria and probably all “direct actions” funded and directed by the Syrian leadership.  More to come.

See Also:

DefDog: Bimbo-Gate Covering Up CIA’s Continuing Use of Proxy Terrorists, Regime Change, and Triad of Drugs, Arms, and Money-Laundering

Robert Steele: Post-Benghazi — Open Season on CIA?

Owl: Faith on the Hill — Catholics Up, Jews Down, Pentecostals in the Closet

Cultural Intelligence
Who? Who?

Faith on the Hill: The Religious Composition of the 113th Congress

ANALYSIS November 16, 2012


The newly elected, 113th Congress includes the first Buddhist to serve in the Senate, the first Hindu to serve in either chamber and the first member of Congress to describe her religion as “none,” continuing a gradual increase in religious diversity that mirrors trends in the country as a whole. While Congress remains majority Protestant, the institution is far less so today than it was 50 years ago, when nearly three-quarters of the members belonged to Protestant denominations.

Catholics have seen the biggest gains among the 530 seats in the new Congress that have been decided as of Nov. 16. So far, Catholics have picked up five seats, for a total of 161, raising their share to just over 30%.1 The biggest decline is among Jews, who have been elected to 32 seats (6%), seven fewer than in the 112th Congress, where Jews held 39 seats (7%).2 Mormons continue to hold 15 seats (about 3%), the same as in the previous Congress.

Read the full article or select below.

Owl: “What If” US States Declare War on Each Other?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, Augmented Reality
Who? Who?

If Every U.S. State Declared War Against the Others, Which Would Win?


Slate, Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012

This question originally appeared on Quora. It was taken from Quora's “hypothetical battles” topic, where readers “can ask questions and get answer on fighting that wouldn't likely or ever happen in real life.”

Answer by Jon Davis, veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps:

These are the accounts of the Second American Civil War, also known as the Wars of Reunification and the American Warring States Period.

After the breakup, many wondered which states would come out in control of the power void created by the dissolution of the United States. There were many with little chance against several of the larger more powerful states. The states in possession of a large population, predisposition for military (i.e.) military bases, and a population open to the idea of warfare fared the best. In the long term, we would look to states with self-sufficiency and long term military capabilities.

Here are the states that held the greatest strategic value from day one. They have the ability to be self-sufficient, economic strength, military strength, the will to fight, and the population to support a powerful war machine.

  • California
  • Texas
  • New York

Read full article with graphic maps

John Maguire: YouTube (7:36) Cannabis Oil and the Post-Scarcity Era — Marijuana as Part of the Fiscal Solution AND Cures Cancer

07 Health, 11 Society

A brief exploration of Hemp Oil and its implications for creating a world of Open-Source Medicine based on abundance, accessibility, and affordability. Thanks for taking an interest! Please visit links below for more information:  Rick Simpson   .   Shona Banda   .   Linzy Miggantz   .   Michael McShane   .   ‘Cannabis Cures Cancer' Documentary   .   How the Endocannabinoid System Works

Transcript Below the Line

Continue reading “John Maguire: YouTube (7:36) Cannabis Oil and the Post-Scarcity Era — Marijuana as Part of the Fiscal Solution AND Cures Cancer”

Yoda: To Know But Not Understand — Science and Big Data

Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Wise, he is.

To Know, but Not Understand: David Weinberger on Science and Big Data

In an edited excerpt from his new book, Too Big to Know, David Weinberger explains how the massive amounts of data necessary to deal with complex phenomena exceed any single brain's ability to grasp, yet networked science rolls on. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington recorded daily weather observations, but they didn't record them hourly or by the minute.

Read full article on TheAtlantic

Continue reading “Yoda: To Know But Not Understand — Science and Big Data”