Marcus Aurelius: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on Land / Sea Roles

Ethics, Government, Military
Marcus Aurelius

Land, Sea Roles Changing, Dempsey Says

By Claudette Roulo

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON October 10, 2012 – While the Navy’s aircraft carrier fleet is sized correctly to carry out its mission, land forces are facing “significant changes,” Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said here today.

“At this point in time, I believe we’ve got what we need,” Dempsey said in response to questions following his speech at a National Press Club luncheon.

After the Budget Control Act of 2011 imposed about $500 billion in defense spending cuts over 10 years, he said, the Defense Department had to examine its strategic positions.

“Strategy that's not sensitive to resources is nothing more than rhetoric,” he said. “There's always this balance between ends, ways and means. So the means changed. We had to take a look at the ends and the ways.”

Read full article.

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Michel Bauwens: Why Open Access is Critical for the Future of Science

Michel Bauwens

Open Access Explained!

(YouTube 8:23)

Robin Good: Few people today are aware of how much scientific knowledge is being restricted and not made accessible to everyone, thanks to existing business model and the exorbitant subscription prices that scientific journals and magazines charge to their subscribers.   Since such journals are the key medium through which scientists can get their work published and distributed widely, the least accessible are these journals, the greater the amount of people who will not be able to read what such research documents contain.  Nick Shockey and Jonathan Eisen provide an in-depth explanation of why “open access” in the case of scientific papers is so critical for our future.  Includes facts on journal subscriptions costing thousands and yet having nothing to do with the original research effort and cost.

(Thanks to Ana Cristina Pratas for unearthing this one).


Review: American Healthcare A Moderate Approach

5 Star, Disease & Health

Kevin Ludlow

5.0 out of 5 stars Rock Solid Common Sense De-Politicizes Health Care & Health Insurance (Not the Same Thing!), November 4, 2012

I received this book as a gift since I am known for my interest in reform, including health care (my one really original slide on the topic is posted above with the book cover), and I was glad to have a chance to read it.

The author gets very high marks from me for, among other things:

01 Opening with a commitment to proper source citation, objective balance, and people-centered solutions

02 Documenting how the radicalization of politics has led to the most expensive and least capable health care system on the planet

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Mini-Me: Benghazi All CIA, State Off the Hook?

Government, Ineptitude
Who? Mini-Me?


CIA’s response to Benghazi attack under scrutiny

Agence France Press, 4 November 2012

The US Benghazi mission was essentially a CIA operation instead of a diplomatic post, and most staff worked for the spy agency.

Read rest of AFP Story.

Phi Beta Iota:  This makes a lot of sense and goes a long toward toward explaining, if true, why State was unconcerned and why Pentagon was caught by surprise.  The Wild Card is the Ambassador and whether a major arms transfer was going down.  Attacking a known CIA base is a completely different proposition from attacking a legitimate working US consulate probably not needed at all in Benghazi.

Dolphin: 30 Days Warning No Protest CIA Acts Pentagon Freezes

Government, Ineptitude, Military

A few days old, but a good effort by a citizen.

Benghazi: A Reader Assesses the Evidence [Updated]

John Hinderaker in Benghazigate

PowerLine, Posted on October 27, 2012

A reader, relying on publicly available information, has reconstructed what we know and can infer about what happened in Benghazi. I haven’t tried to verify all of his facts nor do I necessarily vouch for his inferences, although in general they seem reasonable. But his analysis is, I think, a valuable contribution to our understanding, and I reproduce it here in slightly edited form:

This last week may have finally broken the protective wall around the POTUS. Between the comments of Hillary Clinton, Gen. Petraeus, Defense Secretary Panetta and the FOX News report, the picture of what really transpired in Benghazi is starting to emerge. The trail is leading straight to the POTUS….

I have no military service, security clearance, or contacts in the middle east. I don’t speak Arabic and have no special skills that would allow me to have a special insight into how the travesty in Benghazi happened, and who is responsible for letting our people die.

All I have are my instincts and google. They allowed me to ascertain within a couple of days that there was no protest outside the consulate before it was attacked. For the administration to attempt to sell such a story infuriated me, especially when Ambassador Rice appeared on five Sunday talks shows on September 16th to spin an obvious lie.

Read full article.

See Also:

Phi Beta Iota / Benghazi

Penguin: (Un)Classified Cable – Three Updates All Sad

Government, Ineptitude, Military
Who, Me?

This will only get worse…..

Classified Cable From Benghazi Warned That Consulate Couldn’t Withstand a ‘Coordinated Attack’ (3 UPDATES!!)

Chron, Thursday, November 1, 2012

Let me get this straight. A month before the attack in Libya, an Aug. 16th secret cable was sent to Sec Hillary Clinton and others in the State Department from the senior security officer that said the Benghazi consulate could not be protected, and the mainstream media is completely ignoring it? Imagine for a moment if Bush was President. It would be on a 24/7 news loop on all networks, including the news that Pres. Obama misled Americans on purpose on why the attack happened at Benghazi by blaming it on a video over and over. This cable also tells us that the administration lied about not having any warning of this attack. Our Ambassador and four other Americans are DEAD, and our media (other than Fox News) doesn’t see this as newsworthy. The mainstream media doesn’t want anything to hurt Obama re-election campaign, and that is why true journalism is dead.

Yes, Fox New’s opinion shows are conservative, but no matter what part of the political spectrum you fall into, if you want ALL the news, you should be watching Fox News.

The U.S. Mission in Benghazi convened an “emergency meeting” less than a month before the assault that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, because Al Qaeda had training camps in Benghazi and the consulate could not defend against a “coordinated attack,” according to a classified cable reviewed by Fox News.

Continue reading “Penguin: (Un)Classified Cable – Three Updates All Sad”

DefDog: Benghazi Update — In Three Parts

Government, Ineptitude, Military

Mysteries of Benghazi

Scott Johnson in Benghazigate

PowerLine, Posted on November 3, 2012

Even for one who follows the news obsessively, it has been extremely difficult to keep up with the developments in the Benghazigate story this week. In the lead editorial of the new issue of the Weekly Standard that is out this morning, our friend Steve Hayes usefully summarizes the Benghazi story with an emphasis on the open questions:

The Benghazi debacle is a drama in three parts: the lack of security before the attacks, the flaccid response during the attacks, and the misleading narrative after the attacks. There are unanswered questions about each part. Here are some of the most important.

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