Martin Armstrong: Global Public Protests for Freedom

March 20th, 2021 has been a Worldwide Freedom March which of course the US Media IS CALLING as “far-right”or “MAGA” or “QAnon” related. The US press is so anti-Constitution or human rights they call anyone who disagrees with lockdowns as an “extremist” who they imply really should be imprisoned for daring to disagree with them. …

Yoda: COVID-19 Canadian Concentration Camps (Quarentine Hotels) Face Legal Challenge

The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) is heading to Ontario Superior Court this morning seeking an injunction to stop the federal quarantine hotels. The CCF is in court along with five individual applicants who are either seeking to travel imminently, or have just returned from travelling. These five travellers are all seeking to travel or have …

Yoda: Alert Reader on God and Christ

Reacting to: Ann Delap: Videos Cosmic Agency on The Jesus Myth (Four Parts) Alert Reader offers this view for sharing. I sense you don’t have a firm grasp on what to believe regarding the existence of God and Christ. I hope to help you begin to get that grasp.