AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 3 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: Democracy and a tale of two republics 07/29/09 AA: SOMALIA-UGANDA: AU deaths under spotlight 07/31/09 AO: Over 19000 foreigners entries recorded 07/28/09 BI: HRW condemns Burundi move to criminalize homosexuality 08/02/09 CD: Democratic Republic of Congo bans RFI 07/30/09 ER: The house of despair 07/29/09 ET: IFEX members raise alarm over anti-terrorism law 07/29/09 ET: What is …

Journal: DoD Eyes Program Cuts To Fill $60B Shortfall

By JOHN T. BENNETT Published: 3 August 2009 As the Pentagon prepares to bolster its counterinsurgency capabilities, the big winners appear to be light intratheater cargo planes, unmanned aerial vehicles, countermine warfare systems. Losers may include amphibious craft, heavy armored vehicles and air defense systems, according to defense officials and experts. . . . . …

EUCOM Week in Review ending 22 July 2009

Hot Topics AZ:  Azerbaijan-Russia gas deal mainly attributable to Russias defense 07/17/09 BA:  Bosnians Got What They Voted For 07/20/09 BG:  Court action against Bulgarian military for gender discrimination 07/19/09 DE:  France, Germany vie to sell Pakistan subs 07/22/09 IL:  In Possible Iran Signal, Israeli Boats Cross Suez 07/21/09 IL:  Mossad and Military Intelligence engaged …

Journal: COIN Meets Reality in Hindu Kush

Listen closely and you can hear the slow release of hot air. There’s a leak somewhere, and it appears to be coming from the giant red, white, and blue balloon set aloft some months ago by the counterinsurgency experts who convinced everyone in Washington that Afghanistan was one “graveyard of empires” that could be resurrected for the good of the world.

PACOM Week in Review Ending 19 July 2009

Hot Topics CN:  China rising in Latin America, but wont overtake United States 07/19/09 CN:  Chinas police-state crackdown in Xinjiang creates international …07/16/09 ID:  The Al Qaeda Paradox 07/17/09 ID: Jakarta Hotel Bombs, The Military & The CIA 07/17/09 IN:  Scientists save India’s moon mission from failure 07/17/09 NZ:  NZ needs to play its part …