Robert Steele: Reflections on Truthers — And Attempts to Diminish Them — My Email to Charlie Ward & Simon Parkes

I have watched in awe as the Deep State has combined financial influence with censorship tools pioneered by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to make every form of software including Microsoft Office subject to “hate speech” termination without regard to the Constitution, Title VII, or the Communications Decency Act that indemnifies platforms provided they do not …

James Rink: Gene Decode Video Itemized by Alert Reader

We normally do not load YouTube that become empty gray boxes down the road, or broken links.  We are working with BitChute CEO to get to a very fast conversion nomination process in a new BitChute channel #SaveTheTruth. Per James Rink hosted Gene Decode session :

DefDog: Attack on Parler a Criminal Conspiracy? UPDATE

Sure looks like a Deep State conspiracy. k33p !7 m0v!n@bitburner PARLER GOT FUCKING OWNED BAD…and I mean BAD This group of Internet Warriors then used that account, to create a handful of other ADMINISTRATION accounts, and then created a script that ended up creating MILLIONS of fake administration accounts.”   Source & related images of text

Robert Steele: Are 10 Secretaries of Defense Fucking Traitors, or Part of the Wrestlemania Script?

10 former Secretaries of Defense urge Pentagon to cooperate with Biden transition All 10 living former Secretaries of Defense, including Dick Cheney and James Mattis, warned that involving the U.S. military in election disputes would take the country into “dangerous” territory, in a Washington Post op-ed on Sunday. Why it matters: The secretaries’ urging that …

The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

17th Amendment If as you have previously asserted the 17th amendment wasn’t actually fully ratified, wouldn’t a Presidential announcement of same light a fire under those Republican state representatives/senators as they consider the implications for the importance of their legislative body? Maybe they would see a reason to certify Trump electors (which they should have …