Patrick Meier: Crisis Mapping Shows Henry Kissinger Wrong in Cambodia, Spatio-Historical Analysis Illuminated

How Crisis Mapping Proved Henry Kissinger Wrong in Cambodia Crisis Mapping can reveal insights on current crises as well as crises from decades ago. Take Dr. Jen Ziemke‘s dissertation research on crisis mapping the Angolan civil war, which revealed and explained patterns of violence against civilians. My colleague Dr. Taylor Owen recently shared with me his fascinating research, …

J. C. Cole: Dead Russians, Khazarian Jews, & the US “Glass House”

American Gray Swans – April 2021 #3 “Dead Russians” So who killed more Russians than anybody else? It was the Communist Bolshevik Khazarians. This is the bloodline hiding behind being Jewish. Rarely does anybody ask who killed the most Russians? And further, why does it matter? After all most Americans think we won WW II. …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – April 2021 #2,,“Almost Totally F..ked Now!”

We are almost totally F..ked now. Sorry about the language, I just get a tad upset at the willful destruction of our country by administrative morons. So in the infinite wisdom of the Alzheimer Patient in the White House he just signed an Executive Order to assemble the most incompetent and inefficient team possible to …

Matt Ehret: A Journey with Jeff J. Brown Through China’s History, Political-economy and Culture

In our first official Rising Tide Foundation Podcast, Cynthia Chung and I had the good fortune to interview China Rising Radio’s Jeff J. Brown on all things China. In this extensive discussion, Jeff goes through the historic voyages of Admiral Zheng He generations before Columbus which brought commerce, culture and trade to Africa, Europe and …