CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 30 July 2009

Hot Topics AF: Americas New Nightmare 07/28/09 AF: Taliban issues Code of Conduct to fighters in Afghanistan 07/30/09 IR:  Iran and the Taliban, allies against America 07/28/09 IR:  Report: Hezbollah Leader Threatens Tel Aviv Strike 07/27/09 KZ: Economic meltdown only latest woe for oil-rich Kazakhstan 07/30/09 PS:  Gaza Strip to Get Access to Reconstruction Materials …

Journal: Chuck Spinney on Winning Hearts and Minds, Pentagon Style

Franklin “Chuck” Spinney is living the dream sailing in the Mediterranean with his forever spouse and a dog that is all bark and no bite.  He remains the “last man standing” from the whistle-blowing era of the 1980’s when giants like Colonel John Boyd tried to force the Pentagon to get a grip on reality.  …