Koko: Healing Plan for Humans

Healing Plan This plan is compiled through the research and experiences of people who recovered from serious health issues. If any of the imbedded links are broken or certain webpages experience problems (it happens quite often), be patient and do search using the key words to find an alternative access.

Owl: Charlottesville False Flag — Professional Hit, Paid Protesters? UPDATE 9 Jim Fetzer Outlines False Flag Anomalies

Murder at Charlottesville a False Flag? Was this a false flag to shut down future conservative rallies? Note comment and video outtake about picture in this forum post (emphasis mine) “Also, speculation of false flag. Following pic is supposed frame from vid (enhanced) as backing up. Guy looking in mirror, doesn’t look scared, looks pro, …

#UNRIG: MeetUp Discriminates Against Alt-Right? Lies About Threats & Harrassment? Law Suit Planned, Never Mind Their Arbitration Clause

The following exchange has occurred with MeetUp Legal. The Alt-Right “justiification” is clearly bogus, their CEO made a stupid decision that puts his entire privately-owned company at risk, something we are going to make sure every potential investor is made aware of.  MeetUp is dead., Facebook Communities is where it’s at.  The throw-away attack line …

Phantom Phixer: Buzz Aldrin + on Space, Mars, Etc.

Don’t let the liars get you down.  There is ample support for your stated view that we have a colony on Mars, probably utilizing involuntary labor and perhaps consisting of many individuals who started out as kidnapped children. Lockheed Martin is probably the lead contractor on this one.  Tim White aka Phantom Phixer References with …