Greg Palast: Russians Did Not Hack Election — A Guide to Voting Fraud by the Two-Party Tyranny

The No-BS Inside Guide to the Presidential Recount Sorry, no Russian hacker hunt Greg Palast investigated vote suppression in the 2016 election for Rolling Stone.  The film of his investigation, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, was released by Cinema Libre Studios in September. There’s been so much complete nonsense since I first broke the …

Robert Steele: Intelligence Lies — Russians Did Not Hack Emails and Russians Did Not Hack Voting Machines — Media is Complicit in Massive Propaganda by Government Against Public UPDATE 1

Julian Assange, William Binney, James Bamford, and I — among many others who actually know what is going on and insist on telling the truth, always — could not be clearer: the Russians did not hack the DNC or Podesta emails and the Russians did not hack the US electronic voting machines. Jim Clapper has …

Norie Huddle: Trump in Check? Constitutional Grounds for Electoral College Rejection of Donald Trump – Robert Steele Offers 3 Counter-Moves

Electoral College must reject Trump unless he sells his business, top lawyers for Bush and Obama say Ethics lawyers for the last two presidents are in agreement. Richard Painter, Chief Ethics Counsel for George W. Bush, and Norman Eisen, Chief Ethics Counsel for Barack Obama, believe that if Trump continues to retain ownership over his sprawling …

Yoda: Deep State – Satanic State – Pedophilia State

Seriously, this fellow take we. Frank Bacon (P) writes: Pedophilia, as horrific as it might be, may actually be the least of the great crimes that are being ignored by the US Government and other governments precisely because all these governments are servants to the elite rather than representatives of the public interest.

Mongoose: Electoral College To Overturn Trump Win? UPDATE 2 – Soros Buys Stein, Clinton Smells Blood, Trump Silent…

SHORT URL: UPDATE 2: Soros and others have bought Jill Stein, never the brightest nor most ethical person, she is seizing her $7 million and fifteen minutes of fame, and badly so. This is a presidential candidate who is so ignorant of the twelve ways the system is rigged she cannot even pretend to …

Phantom Phixer: Trump Won Popular Vote If 3 Million Illegal Alien Votes for Hillary Clinton Are Disqualified

Trump may have won popular vote Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization. If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote. “We have verified more than …