Robert Steele: My Dream — Trump to Fox “You’re Fired”

I am just sick to my stomach as I watch Fox news — the six o’clock show under a clueless blond bimbo with a butch spiked hair moron babbling nonsense, is supposed to be covering #GoogleGestapo — the malicious illegal censorship and manipulation of information as well as the deplatforming (digital assassination) of conservative voices, …

Mongoose: Did General Mike Flynn Sting Obama-Clinton-Mormon Child Trafficking to Turkey? Are White Babies from Polygamous Utah Mormons the Premium Pedophilia Product?

Alert Reader writes in: I’ve been following Neonrevolt, who is a treasure trove of information and has an uncanny ability of tying things together. This article ties a branch of the Mormon church with tax fraud, money laundering, Hollywood, NXVIUM, Bronfman, Clinton, Bio-fuel, Obama, Mueller, human trafficking, Turkey, Guelen, Epstein, Armenia, CIA, red scarf suicide …

Kerry Cassidy: Presidents Who Know Too Much — the Price of Secrecy is Death at the Top

PRESIDENTS WHO KNOW TOO MUCH : THE PRICE OF SECRECY [IS DEATH AT THE TOP] I am reading the book WATERGATE HOAX by Ashton Gray.  Gray goes into minute blow by blow detail proving Watergate was a planned CIA op.  And how it was a cover for stealing the L. Ron Hubbard protocols/works that deal with …