Ed Jewett: The Invisible Zionist In Every Race Riot . . .

Cultural Intelligence

The Invisible Man at the Race Riots

“… In the final analysis, Antifa is a Jewish organization in the same way that Bolshevism and Neoconservatism were Jewish political movements. Not every member of Antifa is a Jew, but Jews invariably find their ways into leadership roles in places like Portland, Washington, DC, and even in China, as was the case during the Cultural Revolution of 1966, because they have an advantage over non-Jews in embodying the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which is the hidden grammar of all revolutionary movements.

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Kerry Cassidy: Directed Energy Weapons and Frequency Travel

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence
Kerry Cassidy


My theory is what causes Covid19 is frequency.  This is all about Tesla tech (the negative harmful end of the spectrum/ Tesla preferred the positive side**) targeting population centers. The idea of a virus and/or bioweapon is a misdirect but comes into play when they want you to take the injection in order to “cure” the so-called phantom illness that is caused by this invisible tech which is the Tesla tech….targeted…scaler waves directed…These SCALER WAVES have also been shown to cause California fires (DEW) and Earthquakes, and hurricanes (weather wars) etc.   It appears that it is all about the size and intensity of the waves that determine the effect.  And the effect is RADIATION which creates a “corona effect” around the cells leading to typical radiation sickness…flu-like symptoms.

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