Chuck Spinney: Andrew Cockburn on US Complicity in Saudi Genocide Across Yemen (Let’s Add to Saudi Funding of Clinton-CIA Creation of ISIS to Take Down Syria for Saudi Pipeline…)

Below is a stunning report describing the Saudi slaughter in Yemen and the U.S. culpability in abetting this slaughter.  This story is written by Andrew Cockburn, a good friend (caveat emptor: I am biased). Yemen has a population of almost 27 million, making it the seventh largest of the 22 Arab countries, exceeding the population of Syria …

Kevin Barrett: Are False Flags Becoming More Frequent? Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice, and Munich

Are False Flags Becoming More Frequent? Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice, and Munich Epilogue to The Orlando False Flag: Clash of Histories “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public …

Review: The New Grand Strategy – Restoring America’s Prosperity, Security, and Sustainability in the 21st Century

A Few Gems, Too Little, Too Late, Not a Grand Strategy and Not Global By Any Stretch of the Imagination I was paying attention in 2009 when Wayne Porter and Mark Mykleby did their best for the Chairman, and was present when Brent Scowcroft, among others, listened to the Wilson Foundation “launch” of the book’s …

Chuck Spinney: USAF Killing the A-10 Proven Solution for Close Air Support (CAS)?

Why Is the U.S. Air Force Dismantling Some of Its Stored A-10s? Old Warthogs should remain flyable by JAMES STEVENSON, War is Boring, 3 August 2016 The U.S. Marine Corps, tired of waiting for the continuously-delayed F-35B, has gone to the Arizona boneyard to retrieve some of its preserved, first-edition F-18 Hornets to fulfill its …

David A. Bray: Distributed Problem-Solving Networks

Back in 2007-2008 we did research relevant to your thinking on Applied Collective Intelligence, at the University of Oxford.  We focused on “distributed problem-solving networks” that included looking at film production in a distributed fashion to include a lot of open source projects:

Kevin Barrett: Is Orlando a False Flag? Update 16: KINDLE Up – 46 Page Chapter, 65 Anomalies

NEW SHORT URL: Orlando nightclub shooting: Yet another false flag? It sure walks, talks and quacks like one They’re calling it “the worst terror attack since 9/11.” A Muslim is being blamed for shooting up a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing more than fifty people. In the recently-published Another French False Flag, former …