SPECIAL: White House Letter to Pelosi Documenting Democratic Treason in Detail (Full Text Online)

Highlights: I. Your “Inquiry” Is Constitutionally Invalid and Violates Basic Due Process Rights and the Separation of Powers. II. The Invalid “Impeachment Inquiry” Plainly Seeks To Reverse the Election of 2016 and To Influence the Election of 2020. III. There Is No Legitimate Basis for Your “Impeachment Inquiry”; Instead, the Committees’ Actions Raise Serious Questions. …

Owl: The Transgender-Transhuman — Genocide of Humanity the True Cost of Transgender – Transhuman Loss of All Values for Profit

This is vastly worse than the Great Depression contrived by the banks with the complicity of the US President.  This is about genocide of humanity for profit. Transgender Industry Only the First Phase of & Prelude to Transhumanism Industry The transgenderism industry – the drugs, the clinics, the specialized MDs, hospitals, surgeries – focused on …

American Greatness: Post-Truth Politicized Education — the End of the American Experiment?

Living in a Post-Truth World Post-truth people in the media were taught that the concept of truth is obsolete. Postmodernism rules on American campuses today, and a core idea of the postmodernists is that claims to truth are meaningless. Politics is Crowding Out Culture and Childhood The realm of practical politics is eminently a realm …

Robert Steele: QAnon What Next? Marshall Masters on The Drip, The Filth, & The Noose — Salute to Sidney Powell, Comment on Epstein Case, List of 14 Presidential Initiatives UPDATE: Video & Related Links

SHORT URL: https://tinyurl.com/POTUS-2020 An Alert Reader flagged the below extract from Marshall Masters, who is a considerable talent with a history of being serious and insightful. Here is an extract from a long series of intermittent posts, followed my own comment including a list of 14 Presidential initiatives that I consider to be in planning …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 37 – Depopulation.

American Gray Swans – Week 37 – Depopulation. Not a particularly charming subject, but certainly relevant. As an engineer we are trained to look at the evidence while removing emotion from our decision making process. It seems we have about 7.4 billion people on this spinning planet and it is increasing, and that with our …