Wayne Jett: Donald Trump Could Smash the Deep State and End the 1901 Plan, Perhaps As Early As Good Friday (10 April 2020)

ENDING THE 1901 PLAN: Storm Arrives To Deal With It Since the 2016 campaign for U. S. president began, Americans have witnessed an intense demonstration of the globalist cabal’s influence in the three branches of federal government. This remarkable learning experience was made possible by the historic election of an anti-cabal president, Donald J. Trump, …

Robert Steele: England Lied — CDC Lied — Coronavirus Fake Pandemic Model Numbers Drastically Downgraded to Normal Flu

Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection This was not an accident.  This was a malicious lie sanctioned by the British Government and actively spread across global media by MI-6 and CIA to create a global panic in tandem with the City of London and Wall Street doing massive amounts of insider trading both in advance (dumping …

Robert Steele: False Models, Failed US Intelligence, Perfidious CDC, Create State & Local Fear, Panic and Seriously Stupid Decisions on Virus (While Ignoring 5G)

I am just shaking my head.  The President and I knew all this in early February. What the President did not have was the team in place to smash these lying assholes intent of creating a $20 trillion meltdown with pure fearmongering. Inaccurate Virus Models Are Panicking Officials Into Ill-Advised Lockdowns

DefDog: Yale Flips, Sides with President on Fake Pandemic Need to End Lock-Down

800 Medical Specialists Caution Against Draconian Measures “Mandatory quarantine, regional lockdowns, and travel bans have been used to address the risk of COVID-19 in the US and abroad. But they are difficult to implement, can undermine public trust, have large societal costs and, importantly, disproportionately affect the most vulnerable segments in our communities.