Journal: ClimateGate 9 Dec 09 Morning

Earth Intelligence

ClimateGate Alarmists Don't Like What They've Created

I refer them to the death threats and actual physical attacks that their side, which wholly relies upon intimidation of one kind or another, have been administering for years against those who would dare stand up for their scientific discipline. They are compiled in “Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud and Deception to Keep You Misinformed.” Incidentally, in the chapter “Stupid Science Tricks” I also name the ClimateGate actors by name and detail what they now admit to have been doing to get this hysterical campaign where it is. ClimateGate does not provide revelations, they are affirmations.

Climategate: the Copenhagen Horror Show Suffers Severe Blows

* One week before the conference, it was revealed that the European-based carbon trading schemes have been used for massive financial fraud costing hundreds of millions of euros. The most common form is called “carousel” fraud, whereby criminals buy carbon credits in countries where there is little or no value-added tax, and sell them in countries such as Denmark, which has a 25% VAT. The fraudsters charge their customers the VAT, pocket the money, and disappear without paying the tax authorities.

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SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 8 Dec 09


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Journal: US Begins Regional War on Pashtun

05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Chuck Spinney sends:
In my opinion, this is an extremely important piece of writing and needs to be read very carefully.  The author of this article built an international reputation for excellence during his reporting on the Iraq War, and now he is positioning himself to do the same on Afghanistan.  Conflating al Qaeda with the Taliban will mutate the so-called war on terror into an Anti-Pashtun (AF-Pak) War, with unknowable ramifications that could very well make the lunacy of Mad King George's aggression in Iraq look miniscule in comparison.

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A Wider and Unnecessary War: The March of Folly

By PATRICK COCKBURN  December 7, 2009

By treating Pashtun villagers as if they were all Taliban, and Taliban as being the equivalent of al-Qa’ida, Mr Obama is increasing, not reducing, the threat of terrorist attack on the US or Britain. He is providing the battleground bin Laden hoped for and, like President Bush before him, has jumped willingly into the al-Qa’ida trap.

. . . . . .

One of the most foolish and misleading claims by US and British generals is that fighting a guerrilla war can be successfully combined with dispensing aid and building bridges and roads. But, as one commentator puts it, such a mixture of Wyatt Earp and Mother Theresa is not feasible. Soldiers are trained to get what they want by force and that is generally what they do. Afghans whose families have just been killed by a bomb will not be conciliated by a fine new drainage system.

Other minefields face incoming American and British forces. The Afghan government is in many respects a criminal racket.

Journal: Running Interference On Interference

08 Wild Cards, Military, Mobile
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Running Interference On Interference

December 9, 2009: The U.S. Army, which operates thousands of UAVs (over 90 percent of them the five pound Raven, which gives each company commander his own recon aircraft), has found more and more of them suffering from electronic interference. This problem is expected to get worse, especially as the army introduces dozens of Sky Warriors (a cousin to the air force Predator) over the next year or so. The larger UAVs have a lot more going on inside them, and a lot more electronic commands coming to the aircraft. The air force has noted an increase in electronic interference in its growing fleet of Predators and Reapers. Some air force officers believe the enemy is trying to electronically jam the command signals, or electronics on board the UAVs. But electronics experts believe it's just the greater number electronic signals in the air, even in rural Afghanistan. Nevertheless, better encryption is being used for the control signals going to and from U.S. UAVs.

Phi Beta Iota: Tip of the hat to Strategy Page.  Over 30 years ago it was known that Soviet emission standards were ten times tougher than ours.  Today we not only do not have emission standards to speak of, but we use open commercial communicaitons satellites and we do not worry about having all our Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems online.  The U.S. Government appears to be completely oblivious to basic realities.

Journal: ClimateGate Sarah Palin Special

Earth Intelligence
Sarah Palin Op Ed
Sarah Palin Op Ed

Boycott Copenhagen (UK Replay of Washington Post Op-Ed) 9 Dec 09

Any deal at the Copenhagen climate summit will be more about politics than science. President Obama should stay away.

Copenhagen's Political Science

Sarah Palin,  9 December 2009

In his inaugural address, President Obama declared his intention to “restore science to its rightful place.” But instead of staying home from Copenhagen and sending a message that the United States will not be a party to fraudulent scientific practices, the president has upped the ante. He plans to fly in at the climax of the conference in hopes of sealing a “deal.” Whatever deal he gets, it will be no deal for the American people. What Obama really hopes to bring home from Copenhagen is more pressure to pass the Democrats' cap-and-tax proposal. This is a political move. The last thing America needs is misguided legislation that will raise taxes and cost jobs — particularly when the push for such legislation rests on agenda-driven science.

Sarah Palin On ClimateGate, Copenhagen: Beware Politicized Science

A CNN poll released Monday say that only 45 percent of Americans believe that global warming caused by humans is caused by human activity, down from 56 percent two years ago. Mainstream physicists at Princeton University are telling that the science has become politicized. And Republican senator James Inhofe, a skeptic of the man-made warming theory, told CNN this week that the Democratic cap and trade bill was dead.

Sarah Palin On the Road
Sarah Palin On the Road

Sarah Palin says Obama should skip Copenhagen over ‘Climategate'

Palin, who was in Montana on Tuesday signing copies of her bestselling book Going Rogue, does not question the occurence of global warming, saying, in fact, she created a sub-Cabinet post to help address its problems such as permafrost melting and coastline erosion.

Then, she adds:  “But while we recognize the occurrence of these natural, cyclical environmental trends, we can't say with assurance that man's activities cause weather changes.
“We can say, however, that any potential benefits of proposed emissions reduction policies are far outweighed by their economic costs. And those costs are real.”

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Journal: Senator Chris Dodd the New Phil Gramm?


Of, By, and For Wall Street
Of, By, and For Wall Street

Phi Beta Iota: It was Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX) that screwed the American public by inserting 200 pages of lobbyist language into a bill five minutes before passage, with no objection from any other Senator  The insertion completely deregulated the financial industry and led directly to the meltdown of the American economy.

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) is now the leader of banking legislation, and protecting outrageous bonuses paid by American taxpayer bail-out funds was evidently not enough for his Wall Street masters–now he has sanctioned a massive loophole as explained by  Andrew Cockburn, who together with his wife Leslie, produced the blockbuster documentary movie American Casino.

He also co-founder and editor of Counter-Punch, a gold standard in the public intelligence domain.

The Widening of a Loophole: Wall Street Snaps Its Fingers

By ANDREW COCKBURN  8 December 2009  Washington DC

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EXTRACT:   My  veteran informant explained the dark significance of these seemingly innocuous changes:

“This language obviously creates a rather significant loophole for voice brokers, as we discussed earlier.  It is also very odd that it now says “or trading” after “execution.”  This seems to open up the same loophole that the “confirmation facility” language did, as the language now reads that an ASEF is a person or thing that “facilitates the execution” of swaps– which means a telephone, a person on the other end of a telephone, or any thing else that helps a swap get traded (as opposed to actually trades it).  In fact it is broader, since now an individual can qualify as an ASEF!  Doesn't seem to meet the spirit of transparency and exchange-like trading that was supposedly being advanced earlier.”

Readers who might query the relevance of such arcane issues to the world at large should reflect that such trading practices are key to the gargantuan profits of the relevant banks, in particular JP Morgan, ($3 billion from derivatives in the last quarter alone) and that without them they might not survive in their present inflated form.

Journal: ClimateGate 8 Dec 09 Evening

Earth Intelligence

John Holdren
John Holdren

Science isn't really settled

Science czar John Holdren, who will testified on Capitol Hill last week at a hearing on Climategate, infamously hyped weather catastrophes and demographic disasters in the 1970s with his population control pals Paul and Anne Ehrlich.

He [also] made a public bet against free-market economist Julian Simon, predicting dire shortages of five natural resources as a result of feared overconsumption. He lost on all counts. No matter.

Empty Seats
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Leaked Text Causes Chaos in Copenhagen

Leaders of developing countries angrily accused rich nations of cutting them out of the negotiations at the Copenhagen climate summit after the leak of a secret draft agreement.

“It is a fundamental reworking of the UN balance of obligations, being done in secret,” one diplomat said. “Clearly the intention is to get Obama and the leaders of other rich countries to muscle it through when they arrive next week. It effectively is the end of the UN process.”

Smaller Nations Weigh Power of the Walkout

On Tuesday, just two days into this marathon two-week summit meeting here, increasingly loud rumblings were emanating from the camps representing heavily forested countries, small island nations and Africa’s mostly poor states that a demonstration of defiance may be necessary to focus the world’s attention on their plight.

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The Tip of the Climategate Iceberg

Most of the participants in Copenhagen seem intent on rushing headlong into a successor to the Kyoto Protocol. But it would seem more fruitful at this point to redouble our efforts to figure out what we do and don't know about the climate's past, present and future. That includes casting some much-needed sunshine on the data on which so much importance is being placed, but which so far has remained shielded from public view.

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