Steven Aftergood: DIA Gaslighting? UFO “Research” for Corrupt Senator Harry Reid’s Favored Constituent?

More Light on Black Program to Track UFOs The Defense Intelligence Agency disclosed this week that it had funded research on warp drive, invisibility cloaking, and other areas of fringe or speculative science and engineering as part of a now-defunct program to track and identify threats from space. From 2007 to 2012, the DIA spent …

SPECIAL: Winslow Wheeler – US Congress Hides The Earmarks But They Are Still There — Most Corrupt Congress in History, With Lockheed As a Particular Beneficiary

Those Porky Pentagon Earmarks Never Really Went Away In fact, the new scheme is even more venal, underhanded, and wasteful. The new pork system is deceptive and complex. It took all of my 31 years of experience on Capitol Hill to fully unravel it, with the help of some excellent research from two outstanding watchdog …

Worth a Look: RED MAFIYA – How the Russian (Zionist) Mob Has Invaded America

From Publishers Weekly This disturbing, sharply rendered account tells how the post-Communist Russian Mafiya has infiltrated American life with tactical intelligence and a rare level of viciousness. Drawing from interviews with top Russian mobsters and police, journalist Friedman (Zealots for Zion: Inside Israel’s West Bank Settlement Movement) trenchantly explores the brutal corruption of the U.S.S.R. …