Review: Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told by David Icke

SUMMARY REVIEW David Icke, Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told (David Icke Books, 2018). 750 pages. 6 Star: Measured Revelation on the War Between Humanity and the Satanic Deep State Reviewed by Robert David Steele There are three kinds of holistic thinking: secular, ecological, and cosmic. With the exception of David …

Mongoose: Cory Digs on Clinton Podesta Pedophilia Network?

Two Alert Readers sent this in…see especialy the network of kindergartens in China where children are being drugged and then raped — run by a Clinton associate… Are Bill & Hillary Clinton Involved with Child Trafficking? Option C. They created bills, instilled laws, built relationships, worldwide databases, countless initiatives, partnerships, and global hotlines – all …