EUCOM Week in Review Ending 5 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: Season of Travesties: Freedom & Democracy 07/31/09 AZ: Azerbaijani government permits to stop currency import/export in … 07/30/09 GE: South Ossetia one year on: Georgians wait in fear for Russians to… 08/01/09 GE: The News in Brief 08/04/09 IL: Candidly speaking: End the blood libels against Israel & the IDF 08/03/09 IL: Netanyahu Sister-in-Law Arrested at …

Journal: USNI/AFCEA Feature Stephen Carmel of Mersck Line Limited on Global Connectivity, Risk, Trade, and Security

Stephen Carmel is a world-class speaker with a truly compelling story to tell, and after learning about him from his appearance at the USNI/AFCEA Joint War Fighting Conference,  we were deeply impressed. Below we summarize the highlights from his speech, which we have put into a proper document with emphasis added throughout.  This is one …