Ed Jewett: Cass Sunstein as Catholic Inquisition 2.0? Robert Steele: Is Cass Sunstein the Most Fucked Up Piece of Shit Serving the Deep State?

“Harvard’s Sunstein Joins Biden’s DHS to Shape Immigration Rules” [Bloomberg]. “Former Obama administration official Cass Sunstein on Monday joined the Department of Homeland Security, where President Joe Biden is moving rapidly to roll back Donald Trump’s immigration policy priorities. Sunstein is a senior counselor who will be responsible for making sure that the rules put …

Robert Steele: Opening Message for Web 3.0 Informal Steering Group

https://web3-0.org/ is now operational. The webmaster is installing classic word press ( I hate block form), and then I will get to work loading stuff including videos and past posts crossed over from my web 3.0 collection at http://phibetaiota.net. I got a lovely, brilliant interview with Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton today viewable here. The protocol …