Robert Steele: Reflections on Taking Down #GoogleGestapo (aka BigTech or FAANG) and MSM

A core aspect of showing foreign control is discovery that maps exactly who introduced the term hate speech, who suggested modifications to corporate terms of reference that now “allow” deflatforming, and who was put in as “trusted flaggers.” At the end of the day you will find that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Zionist …

Mongoose: The Pedophilia – Transvestite Aspect of the Biden-Harris-Schumer-Pelosi Fraudulent Candidacy

That Joe Biden is an alleged pedophile is long known. That he forced his grand-daughter to shower with him, as well as how he used his dope-head son  to move hundreds of millions in illicit wealth, is also known now. Less known is the possibility that Kamala Harris may be a foreign-born transvestite, or that …

Charles Hugh Smith: Beyond Elections — What We Don’t Elect Matters Most: Central Banking and the Permanent Government

What We Don’t Elect Matters Most: Central Banking and the Permanent Government If we avert our eyes from the electoral battle on the blood-soaked sand of the Coliseum and look behind the screen, we find the powers that matter are not elected: our owned by a few big banks Federal Reserve, run by a handful …

Movie (1:37:40) A Thousand Pieces — Featuring Joe Flynn, Cathy O’Brien, Robert Steele, John DeSouza, Robin Gritz — on CIA, FBI, NSA Corruption — Narrated by Sean Stone

20% off use discount code steelegift SHORT URL TO SHARE: A Thousand Pieces is a staggering look into the abyss of systemic corruption at the very top of the CIA & FBI. The film exposes the gritty details of illegal programs such as “Cointelpro” which targeted leaders like Martin Luther King & Malcom X, …

Robert Steele: Trump, Cardinal, Serbia & Savoy, Break-Up of France & the European Union — Neither CIA nor MSM Get This . . .

Tous mes sites Web, y compris The Steele Report, peuvent être lus en français et dans d’autres langues. On 4 March 2018 I broke the story on North Korea denuclearizing and the Koreas uniting. I was called a lunatic.  Two weeks later President Donald Trump confirmed the substance of my scoop. Here is my next …