SchwartzReport: Truths …

Charter schools, another privatization program by profit first business interests occasionally produce good results, kind of show villages, but, as in all profit first operations –prisons, libraries, schools — all too often become a racket. Until we decide as a people that national wellness, arising from! individual wellness is our social priority all of this …

SchwartzReport: Truths

It is an article of faith by the Theocratic Right that poor people generally abuse social programs. They are drug abusers, who just want to lay around and who squander the government’s largesse on booze, and $600 purses. The fascinating thing is that every time they get a chance to prove this the opposite is …

4th Media: UN to Debate Truth & Reconciliation in Extraordinary Open Debate Planned for 29 JAN 2014

Truth and Reconciliation to be Debated at United Nations Ronda Hauben, 8 January 2014 The press conference held by Jordan’s Ambassador to the UN to introduce Jordan’s presidency of the UN Security Council for the month of January 2014 included a surprise proposal that distinguished it from the usual tradition of announcing the program of …

ScvhwartzReport: Truths

Few people seem to realize that six of nine Justices on the Supreme Court are Roman Catholics. As this essay explains this has had a significant impact on the Court’s decisions concerning women. The Catholic Supreme Court’s War on Women JAMIE STIEHM – U.S. News and World Report Here is the latest in the GMO …