Edwin Jewett: Trump Memes, Jokes Flood Internet Amid Speculation He Wore Pants Backwards During NC Speech

Corruption, Government

Edwin Jewett: Trump Memes, Jokes Flood Internet Amid Speculation He Wore Pants Backwards During NC Speech

Former President Donald Trump has become the subject of a wave of jokes and memes on Twitter after some viewers accused him of wearing his pants backwards during his address to the North Carolina Republican Party state conference.

On Saturday night, Trump made his first official public speech since the Conservative Political Action Conference in February at the Greenville Convention Center in North Carolina.

He spent a large portion of his lengthy speech bashing President Joe Biden‘s handling of the border crisis, economy and foreign policy, and repeating his baseless claim that widespread voter fraud caused his 2020 election defeat.

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A Map Of The Online World In Incredible Detail

Cultural Intelligence

A Map Of The Online World In Incredible Detail

The internet is intangible, and, as Visual Capitalist's Carmen Ang points out, because you can’t see it, it can be hard to comprehend its sheer vastness. As well, it’s difficult to gauge the relative size of different web properties. However, this map of the internet by Halcyon Maps offers a unique solution to these problems.
Inspired by the look and design of historical maps, this graphic provides a snapshot of the current state of the World Wide Web, as of April 2021. Let’s take a closer look!

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Mongoose: Fauci’s NIH Funded Wuhan Military Scientist Who Died Mysteriously After Filing COVID Vaccine Patent

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

Fauci's NIH Funded Wuhan Military Scientist Who Died Mysteriously After Filing COVID Vaccine Patent

As we move further down the rabbit hole of exactly what in the devil has been going on in China's ‘bat labs,' we now turn our attention to one Zhou Yusen – a Chinese military scientist specializing in coronaviruses who collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology's “Bat Woman,” Zhengli Shi – with at least one project to geneticially manipulate coronaviruses having been funded by three grants from the National Institutes of Heath (NIH) – home to Dr. Anthony Fauci – via US universities, according to documents obtained by The Weekend Australian's Sharri Markson – who has written an upcoming book, “What really happened in Wuhan.” The previously undisclosed NIH funding of a PLA military scientist is separate from millions in grants awarded EcoHealth alliance, which also collaborated with the WIV.

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Greg Hunter: Greatest Financial Event in History Coming – Bo Polny

Cultural Intelligence

Greatest Financial Event in History Coming – Bo Polny
Biblical cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny predicted in November of 2020 the stock market (DOW) would “top out in May 2021 at around 33,000 to 34,000 and then crash in June.” So far, half of the prediction is spot on, and we are waiting for the crash. Polny says, “The greatest financial event in human history is not and will not happen on a Trump watch. I repeat, the greatest financial event in human history is not going down on a Trump watch. It’s going to go down under the current, whatever you want to call him. Trump is a builder. The builder comes in to fix things.”

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Alexandra Bruce: Hacking The Brain With Nanoparticles

07 Other Atrocities

Hacking The Brain With Nanoparticles

I’m probably not the only one who’s thought this rush to inject at least 70% of the human population with “manipulative magnetic nano-medicine” and “super paramagnetic nanoparticles” smacks of an alien agenda.

Implants and tracking devices have been recurring themes of the Alien Abduction Scenario since the 1961 Betty and Barney Hill case. Who knows, maybe the horrible truth will be part of the Big Reveal later this month, as part of the Director of National Intelligence report on UFOs.

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Edwin Jewett: Self-Spreading Vaccines Would Deliver All Of Humanity Into The Hands Of Transhumans

07 Other Atrocities

Self-Spreading Vaccines Would Deliver All Of Humanity Into The Hands Of Transhumans

Medical ethics is rapidly morphing to permit the release of contagious vaccines that would require only a small percentage of the population to be vaccinated. The rest of humanity would contract the vaccine in the same way as any contagious disease. This is fulfillment of the Transhuman goal to create H+, or Humanity 2.0. Continue reading “Edwin Jewett: Self-Spreading Vaccines Would Deliver All Of Humanity Into The Hands Of Transhumans”