CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 28 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: German minister resigns over airstrike in Afghanistan 11/27/09 AA: Organized crime in the Caucasus 11/28/09 AA: Tajikistan urges compromise on power grid with Uzbekistan 11/25/09 AA: International patience with Iran is “running out” 11/27/09 AE: Assessing fallout of Dubai’s credit disaster 11/27/09 AF: NATO Forces Find Crash Site of Helicopter in Afghanistan …

Review: Nonzero–The Logic of Human Destiny

 7 Stars–Nobel Prize (Of Old, Before Devalued) – Life Transformative Insights November 28, 2009 Robert Wright QUOTE: “Non-zero-sumness is a kind of potential–a potential for overall gain, or for overall loss, depending on how the game is played.” This book is one of the most sophisticated, deep, documented, and influential I have ever read, right …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 13 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: Arab experts predict Mideast water wars 11/13/09 AA: Americans and Western Europeans Agree on Afghanistan-Pakistan Extremist Threat 11/11/09 AA: Muslims must quit British Forces, says Iranian envoy Abdolhossein Moezi 11/14/09 AA: Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are not best countries for … 11/13/09 AA: Terror training camps smaller, harder to target 11/09/09 …

Journal: Government Corruption and Inattention; Foreign Influence and Access: Religious Counterintelligence

Phi Beta Iota: We started thinking about religious counterintelligence in 2003, after reading Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Superspy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul, at which point we concluded that we not only needed an FBI division for commercial counter-espionage, but a religious division as well, one able to track not just Islamic support …