Mongoose: Harvard Says Greatest Threat To USA Is Its Own Dysfunctional Political System…

Harvard study: Political ‘dysfunction’ crippling U.S. economy America’s dysfunctional political system has emerged as the biggest threat to its economic competitiveness, according to a new Harvard Business School study.   . . . The authors polled Harvard Business School alumni on the political reforms they thought were needed. “By far the most common category of suggestion …

Kindle Short (99 Cents): Clinton Collapses, Is Biden Ready? Seven Specifics for an October Surprise

Short URL: Hillary Clinton has had a stroke — she is not suffering from pneumonia and her body double is easily spotted by the combination of 50 pounds less weight and the greater distance she keeps from the public she is being shown off to. The DNC has been in an emergency session — …

Wayne Madsen: Yes, The USA Created ISIS…Along With….

ISIS was created by CIA and Mossad with funding from Saudi Arabia and logistics facilitation from Turkey, while drawing on disenfranchised Sunni officers from Iraq. Barack Obama and George Soros are directly responsible for ISIS (along with Hillary Clinton and John Brennan). Not to be overlooked are Ukrainian puppet Petro Proshenko and UN/Goldman Sachs puppet …

Robert Steele: Could Gary Johnson Actually Win? UPDATE 2

SHORT URL: DOC (9 Pages): Could Gary Johnson Actually Win? UPDATE 2: Libertarians are their own worst enemy. Why a Coalition Cabinet is essential and why Gary Johnson should create one and challenge Clinton and Trump to Cabinet-level debates. See Afterthought at end of this post.