Valerie Bugault : French Public Support of President Donald Trump

A French support committee to the re-election of Donald Trump The re-election of President Trump is of vital interest to peace in Europe and the world. Donald Trump is indeed the first President of the United States since 1988 to have undertaken no war, neither in Europe nor in the Middle East or elsewhere, while …

Robert Steele: Single Best Thread on What Is Coming — Tip of the Hat to George Pittman

Read the original. This thread is so vital to the Republic that I am taking the very rare step of copying it and placing a reserve copy below the fold. Honor the author by reading the original, but if the original disappears, PBI is one of the strongest liberty websites around with a rolling backup …

Sarah Chamberlain: Open Letter from an American Coward

Open Letter from an American Coward My enemies are in a word, communists. Modern communists do not usually call themselves such. They do not talk about workers rising up and seizing the Means of Production.  Instead, modern communists adopt a rhetorical stance where they assume that all people and all property are ALREADY COLLECTIVIZED, then …