Marcus Aurelius: Donald Trump As “A giant middle finger…”

This is absolutely  brilliant. It was published by small-government advocate and President Obama birth certificate conspiracy theorist Don Fredrick, and was originally published on his blog, The Complete Obama Timeline. It did not go viral until it was mis-attributed to New Yorker magazine. New York Null Values “Who is Donald Trump?” The better question may be, “What is Donald Trump?” …

Donald Trump: I Quit!

Michael Moore: Trump does not want to be president The documentary-maker claims a source told him that Donald Trump only ran as a negotiating tactic for his TV work and has been ‘surprised’ by his own success.

Robert Steele: Cracks in Official Narratives — Smerconish Threatens Guliani and GOP “You Go After Clinton’s Health, We’ll Go After 9/11 As An Inside Job”

I have just watched Michael Smerconish threaten Rudy Guliani and the Republican Party on CNN. It was, in one word, FASCINATING! Reading between the lines, Michael Smeronish has opened the door for a complete fracturing of the official two-party narrative that keeps 70% of the public disenfranchised and 99% of the public ill-informed and enslaved. …

Yoda: Trump Will Win, Clinton Will Lose? But What If…

Think, we must. Jaime Enoch Ortega, The Daily Journalist Despite the odds, Donald Trump will beat Hillary Clinton in November Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show The Clinton Campaign Is In Real Trouble A true national poll, 1000 homes across all demographics in all 50 states finds Trump favored by 67%. But What If….

Robert Steele: Instead of Trump or Clinton…

The focus of this post is on electoral reform and restoring integrity to the electoral and governance process of the USA, not on electing Gary Johnson. It should be obvious that neither Trump nor Clinton will support electoral reform. Permanent URL: