12-Step Program to #UNRIG and Restore American Election Integrity


“There is nothing wrong with America the Beautiful that cannot be fixed, and fixed quick, by restoring integrity to how we self-govern. Election fraud is the foundation of the Deep State; Election reform is how We the People take the power back to make America great again.”

-Robert David Steele

Join Robert David Steele in the state-by-state fight to #UNRIG US elections.

Steele, former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy, is the lone analyst who has studied and integrated all election reform proposals into a single, unified action plan. Continue reading “12-Step Program to #UNRIG and Restore American Election Integrity”

DefDog: House of Cards – Part 2

Cultural Intelligence

Prerequisite DD:

  1. Citadel Has No Clothes

  2. The EVERYTHING Short

  3. The House of Cards – Part 1

I wasn’t looking into GameStop when all of this began. Most of my time was spent researching the pandemic’s impact on the economy. I’m talking about the economic steam engine that employs people and puts food on their tables. Especially the small businesses that were executively steamrolled by COVID lockdowns. It was scary how fast they had to close their doors.

I spent a lot of time looking at companies like GameStop. Brick-n-mortar businesses were basically running out of bricks to sh*t. Frankly, GameStop looked a lot like the next Blockbuster and it just seemed like a matter of time before they went under. Had DFV not done his homework, it's possible we wouldn’t have a rocket to HODL or a story to TODL.

Whoever has/had a short position with GameStop was probably thinking the same thing. The number of shares that can be freely traded on a daily basis is referred to as “the float”. GameStop has 70,000,000 shares outstanding, but 50,000,000 shares represented “the float”. With a small float like this, a short position of 20% becomes significant. Heck, Volkswagen got squozed with just a 12.8% short position. So let’s use little numbers to walk through an example of how this works.

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Matthew Ehret: The Geopolitics Of Epistemological Warfare: From Babylon To Neocon

Cultural Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The Geopolitics Of Epistemological Warfare: From Babylon To Neocon

I think any sane human being can agree that while war was never a good idea, war in the 21st century is an absolutely intolerable one. The problem we currently face is that many of the forces driving world events towards an all-out war of “Mutually Assured Annihilation” are anything but sane.

While I’m obviously referring here to a certain category of people who fall under a particularly virulent strain of imperial thinking which can be labelled “neo-conservative” and while many of these disturbing figures honestly believe that a total war of annihilation is a risk worth taking in order to achieve their goals of total global hegemony, I would like to make one subtle yet very important distinction which is often overlooked.

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Chuck Baldwin: The Tide Is Slowly Starting To Turn

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

The Tide Is Slowly Starting To Turn
It took me over 30 years to see the light regarding the Biblical and historical truth of Israel. So, I should not be surprised or discouraged that it has taken so long for other Christians to awaken to this truth. But the good news is, the tide is slowly starting to turn.

I honestly believe that people—Christian or otherwise—who possess a truth-seeker’s heart will be shown truth. Depending on the depth of deception buried in a person’s heart and mind, the illumination of truth will take longer for some than others—but the illumination WILL come. Continue reading “Chuck Baldwin: The Tide Is Slowly Starting To Turn”

Mongoose: The 5 steps of the malicious global pandemic strategy

07 Other Atrocities

The 5 steps of the malicious global pandemic strategy

Every day more data surface on deaths and other ill effects from COVID-19 vaccines – not that most people would know this if they depend on mainstream and corporate social media for pandemic information. In collusion with governments, big media don't provide daily headlines and data on the ill effects of COVID vaccines. This is necessary to protect the strategy settled on over a year ago

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