REVIEW: Alien World Order – The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race

The author has done a superb job of weaving hundreds of other accounts, both written and in video, and I find his narrative compelling.  From deep history to the Holy Roman Empire to the Nazis to the US secret space programs today, this is a book that could be and should be read by every …

Robert Steele: Zionism in America – Seven Strikes and Counting… (Trump Revolution 21)

Zionism in America –Seven Strikes & Counting… Robert David Steele Preface: Strikes 1-5 appeared in an earlier article.[1] Numerous requests were received to isolate and extend this itemization of Zionist Strikes that will lead to its eviction from the halls of power in the USA. For those who worry about our President Donald Trump …

#UNRIG Phase II — The Year of the Independent UPDATE 1

#UNRIG Phase II – The Year of the Independent SHORT URL: Forthcoming in Independent Voter Network UPDATE 1: now open. 435 groups, one for each Congressional District, twice as good as MeetUp at a quarter of the price. Context Phase I of #UNRIG,[1] in which I teamed up with Cynthia McKinney to offer the …

Robert Steele: War in the Middle East [in February 2018]… A strategic survey of possibilities, winners, losers… (Trump Revolution 19)

Israel Plans War in February 2018 We now know that Benjamin Netanyahu believes he can command the votes in the US Congress to declare war and demand that our Secretary of Defense James Mattis introduce US forces including troops on the group in support of an Israeli and Saudi Arabian war on Iran, Lebanon, and …