F. William Engdahl: Will USA-China Be Manipulated Into War As Germany-Russia and UK-Germany Were?

Is this a remake of 1941 Hitler-Stalin great war? On behalf of the Powers That Be, World War II was orchestrated by the circles of the City of London and of Wall Street to manoeuvre two great obstacles — Russia and Germany — to wage a war to the death against each other, in order …

Review: The Trump Century – How Our President Changed the Course of History Forever by Lou Dobbs with Dennis Kneale

5 Stars – Single Best Overview of President Donald Trump’s Value to America In fourteen chapters with an introduction and epilogue for sixteen sections total, this is the single best overview of President Donald Trump’s value to America. Here are a few quotes from this book that should be read by every citizen before Election …

Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia: Interview: US Election Winner Predicted, Most Important Issues Discussed

Interview: US Election Winner Predicted, Most Important Issues Discussed By Javad Heirannia                 October 15, 2020 – 11:11                               International TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), contributes regularly to Tehran Times.

Ed Jewett: Eric Striker on Authoritarians and Jews: The Push to Normalize Pedophilia

Noteworthy for also having been republished by Unz Review. The Zionist funding of perversion cannot be ignored if America is to be restored to greatness. Authoritarians and Jews: The Push to Normalize Pedophilia . . . a deeper study into the post-war Jewish consensus (domestic liberal maximalism, suppressing Gentile authoritarianism), as well as what appears …