Review: The Trump Century – How Our President Changed the Course of History Forever by Lou Dobbs with Dennis Kneale

5 Stars – Single Best Overview of President Donald Trump’s Value to America In fourteen chapters with an introduction and epilogue for sixteen sections total, this is the single best overview of President Donald Trump’s value to America. Here are a few quotes from this book that should be read by every citizen before Election …

Review: Ireland 1845-1850 – The Perfect Holocaust and Who Kept It “Perfect” (the British) by Chris Fogarty

6 Star — Pioneering Work Overcomes 200 Years of Lies by British, Catholic Church, and USA This book is the full equivalent of Ernst Zundel’s work disputing the British-Zionist holocaust myth, but in the opposite direction. Or it could be compared to the cover-up of how the Allies murdered 11 million Germans AFTER they surrendered. …

Review: The Stakes – America at the Point of No Return by Michael Anton

5 Stars – How the 1% Stay in Power This is a solid book that can be read quickly or slowly.  I chose the speed route, and below I provide the essence of the book. Core point: everything about our society including the federal government, universities, religions, non-profits, and corporations, is designed to keep the …

Review: The Politics Industry – Political Innovation Can Break Partisan Gridlock and Save Our Democracy

3 Stars — A Crap Book with Zero Value There was a time when Michael Porter was moderately innovative and interesting.  No more. This is a crap book that totally mis-represents reality. Just as Robert Reich’s crap book blames the bankers without reference to the Deep State and the Red Mafiya/Zionist traitors, this book blames …