Marcus Aurelius: US Military – To Coup or Not to Coup?

Phi Beta Iota:  This is a long and interesting presentation of two points of view.  In short, the US political system, the upper reaches of the US government, and the US military “clerk-leaders” are an incestuous self-sustaining circle of corruption.  We do not have an “Obama” problem.  We have an Israel / Goldman Sachs / …

Search: OSINT software

The search term brings up appropriate results, but the fact of the search gives us an opportunity to provide comment. 1)  Nothing now being used by governments, and certainly not iBase or Palantir, both aging technologies that do not scale and have too many fat-finger handicaps, fulfills the originial requirements documents crafted in the late …

Robert Steele: Dominion vs Sidney Powell — Dr. Cynthia McKinney and My Thoughts

Dominion has sent a letter to Sidney Powell claiming that her assertions are defamatory. I discussed this with Dr. Cynthia McKinney and here are her conclusions with my own concluding comments. Bottom line: Dominion is bluffing. Any lawsuit will subject them to discovery of their source code and that is their worst nightmare. Background: when …

Robert Steele: John Brennan to Be Indicted? General Michael Flynn Exonerated?

I was among the first, if not the first, to call John Brennan a liar and document the complete fabrication of the Russian witchhunt. Robert Steele: US IC Allegations Against Russians Are Crap — Our Own Traitors, Not the Russians, Are the Real Enemy, Fake Evidence & Fake News – UPDATE 22 John Brennan, in …