AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 21 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Instability made political risk expensive in Africa 09/20/09 AA: Somalia raid reopens debate on Maghreb security, economic co-operation 09/18/09 AA: Thaisarco suspends Congo tin ore purchases 09/18/09 AO: Dos Santos – Angola’s silent leader 09/20/09 DZ: Russia investigates jet part sales to Algeria 09/18/09 ER: Eritrea: Who Is EU Trying To Kid …

PACOM Week in Review Ending 20 September 2009

Hot Topics ID:  Indonesia eyes militant networks after Noordin killing 09/18/09 ID: Police: DNA confirms Noordin dead 09/19/09 ID: The Indonesian Police and the KPK Sued 09/17/09 IN: Crime tracking network system by 2011-12 09/20/09 LK: IMHO and the LTTE connection 09/20/09 MY: Malaysia: Untried Terror Suspects Free 09/16/09 NP: Are Nepal’s Maoists a threat …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 17 September 2009

Hot Topics AA:  New tape from al-Qaeda leader bin Laden released 09/14/09 AE: TALON Laser-Guided Rocket Team completes first guided test flights 09/14/09 AE: UAE confession was ‘under duress’ 09/14/09 AF:  Afghanistan’s Other Front 09/16/09 AF:  Al Qaeda calls for foreign civilian kidnappings in Afghanistan 09/16/09 EG: Egypt Defends Killing of Migrants Trying to Cross …

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 15 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Latin American strategy on drugs 09/10/09 AA: Militarizing Latin America 09/15/09 AR: Poor man’s cocaine ravages Argentine slums – Feature 09/13/09 AR: Argentine president intends to abolish crime of libel 09/12/09 BO: Bolivia president has satellite ambitions-UN agency 09/14/09 BO: US fears spread of Islam to … Bolivia 09/10/09 BR: Brazil Jet …