Enjoying the Fruits of My Labor: CSPOA’s Exclusive Posse Member Webinar 9-13-22


“Enjoying the Fruits of My Labor”

This Week on CSPOA's Exclusive Posse Member Webinar 9-13-22: Jack Mullen joins Sheriff Mack on this week's Posse Webinar to discuss more constitutional knowledge that every American needs to understand.

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If You Do Not Hold It- You Do Not Own It – Silver Begins to Make Its Move | Jack Mullen

Economics, US Dollar


Silver and Gold Market Report for Wk of 9/12/2022 | Jack Mullen

For quite sometime it has been known that assets supposedly held by mints and metals market exchanges are not subject to private stock verification. The US Government does not allow private verification of the bars of gold supposedly held in Fort Knox and other warehouses.

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Sheriff Richard Vaughan Tells America How He Is Upholding His Oath to the Constitution and Citizens

CSPOA, Videos

Sheriff Richard Vaughan of Grayson County, Virginia tells reporter, Alex Newman of The New American how he has taken an Oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of America and of his State and that is exactly what he intends to do. He explains how his courses on the Constitution have allowed him to understand what his Oath really means and how he can uphold his promises to his Citizens.

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Taking Back Our Media Starts Locally


On today's CSPOA Posse Members Webinar, Jack Mullen visits with Sam Bushman discussing more struggles Americans are facing during these uncertain times. Sam and Jack discuss the overwhelming propaganda Americans are flooded with on a regular basis on platforms such as television, newspaper, Internet, and other mainstream media outlets.

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