Charles Hugh Smith: Health Care as Poster Child for US Financialization of Total Corruption Against the Public Interest

Covid Is Toppling America’s “Points of Failure” Dominoes 01 Physicians increase by 100% over 40 years while administrators increase by 3000%. 02 Physician salaries increase by 100% (keeping up with inflation) while administrator salaries increase by 3000%. 03 Wages  increase by 16% while GDP increases by 168% and national health expenditures increase by 818%. Phi …

Review: In Search of Gold – Recovery of Yamashita”s Gold [in the Philippines]

5 Star – Riveting First Person Account I know the author personally, and was introduced to him by Sterling Seagrave (RIP), whom I also knew personally. Sterling was for me the top chronicler of Asian history both sordid and splendid. One of his books (linked below) that comes with three CDs of maps, photos, and …

Worth a Look: Pedophilia & Empire – Book 3 of 5 Now Available

The intersection of the Rothschild Family, the British aristocracy and senior members of the British government, industry, and media — along with sustained deliberate cover-ups by British police — will go down in history as one of the greatest crimes against humanity. Pedophilia — the rape of children — torture to produce adrenochrome — Satanic …