Graphic: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) 101 (Wrong Way)

Charles Hampden-Turner’s book RADICAL MAN: The Process of Psycho-Social Development, remains one of the most important works with respect to making the most of our one inexhausible resource, the human brain.  Below are covers of the book in both editions, with links to the Amazon page for each.

Graphic: Full Spectrum Human Intelligence (HUMINT)

Human Intelligence (HUMINT) no longer exists as a serious craft in the USA.  The Clandestine Service, a few exceptions not-with-standing relies almost completely on hand-outs from foreign liaison services who know the limits of American historical and cultural savoire faire, and the depth of American naivete.  In the Department of Defense (DoD) the current clandestine …

Answers on OSINT for India 46: OSINT Training Done Right? None

Sir, an official recently asked about institutions capable of training in OSINT in India. All those that i know about teach about internet surfing. Do you know any institutions in India that can impart true OSINT training or any officials who had been trained by you or your company? SHORT ANSWER: No one, anywhere, does …

Answers on OSINT for India 39: How Are Open and Closed Sources Related?

Sir, Which of these three assumptions is closest to your decades of experience? A. Open sources are richer than the closed sources. B. Open sources are as rich as the closed ones? C. Open sources are the chiseled-out bits of closed sources which when put together can tell us about the closed sources they owe …

Answers on OSINT for India 31 – OSINT Primer for Spies

Sir, I constantly encounter two issues: First, the spies think that Wikileaks and everything online is OSINT, they do not factor in analog sources or even human sources that are not controlled agents. Second, and related,  they think that the best open source information is to be found within the government agencies, and do not …