Yoda: Cosmic Wars and Multiple Timelines — 64 Timelines, in 14 of Them Cabal WINS

Alert Reader writes in: I knows there is a lot happening in the news right now (RBG passing, etc.), but I feel the need to pass on a few things I am learning from the Cosmic Agency series. In addition to watching the oldest videos first, I am also watching the new ones being uploaded. …

Dave Hodges: 20 Horrors Planned by Deep State When Trump Wins . . .

If It IS Determined That The Democrats Will Lose the Election, These 20 Actions Will be Unleashed On America Here is a list of tactics that are expected on the part of the Democratic Party and their hired guns. Remember the objective is to start a civil war. This group kills after-birth babies, therefore, there …

The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

1. You have spoken in the past about how Ivanka Trump was probably profiled by Ghislaine Maxwell for capture by a Mossad controlled Zionist, and you have speculated that artificial phenomes were used to cause her to fall in love with a slum-lord twit who may also be gay. Can you comment further?

Berto Jongman: Are Democrats Planning a Coup? By Michael Anton

The Coming Coup? Democrats are laying the groundwork for revolution right in front of our eyes. So why are the Democrats—publicly—talking about the conspiracy? Because they know that, for it to succeed, it must not look like a conspiracy. They need to plant the idea in the public mind, now, that their unlawful and illegitimate …