State of the Nation: The Biden Deception – Is Kamela Harris Barack Obama in Double Drag? Or Is Joe Biden Donald Trump’s Fall Guy and the Two-Party Tyranny Rocks On?

THE BIDEN DECEPTION—Incredible But Likely True! KAMALA HARRIS: Deep State’s Secret Weapon Against Trump OPERATION CRAFTY BEAVER: Deep State attempts to start a race war before stealing the 2020 POTUS election Phi Beta Iota: Or Trump is controlling both sides of the ticket, and we are all being had.  Zionists Ubber Alles.

Robert Steele: Breaking the Silence Against the Zionist Criminal State’s Occupation of the USA and Palestine

I have been flooded with positive emails from patriots every since I published Robert Steele: On the Zionist Parasite — America First Demands An End to Israel First (Treason) UPDATE on Zionist Funding & Control of Black Lives Matters, Pieczenik Video (7:13) and did this interview #UNRIG Video (53:10) Shaun Attwood Famous Crime Author & …

Review: Mary L. Trump, a Cheater in a Cheating Culture, Betrays Her Family & The Republic

2 Star – Cheater Trashes President Reviewed without Reading by RDS I am so tired of bottom feeders being bribed or blackmailed to attack our President. Mary L. Trump is such a bottom feeder, and despite her PhD, also myopic, hateful, and uneducated. President Donald J. Trump matters precisely because he is taking on the …

Robert Steele: Jared Kushner is Destroying Donald Trump

Trump Is Losing the White Vote with Jared Kushner’s Agenda ROBERT STEELE: Read the whole excellent article loaded with valuable links. Man-child Jared Kushner, a third-rate intellect with zero ethics, and an agent of multiple foreign powers to boot, is destroying the President’s prospects for a second term. There are exactly four things the President …