Robert Steele: Could the Rule of Law Stop Government Crime? The Lockdown and Masks Particularly, All in Violation of Nuremberg Protocols

I am still personally betting on Trump and Barr.  We are in a fight. I would rather die believing in them, than live under the certain reign of  bestiality, pedophilia, and Satanic Ritual Abuse that would come from a Democratic theft of the election.  NOTE: Mail in ballots can be kept within the USPS and …

James McCanney: Holodomor — Communist Manifesto USA! Are We Facing a Food Crisis This Winter? The Ukraine Experience Comes Home.

Holodomor – USA 2020 to 2021 – The Communist Manifesto comes to the USA …read the yellow highlighted parts in the article at the end of this discussion and just look at the USA today … the Communist Manifesto game plan is being played out here EXACTLY including the stoppage of food which is already …