SPECIAL: Veterans Today: Grand Mufti Blesses Meeting with Donald Trump, Ready to Help Save Christians Across the Middle East

VT Project: Saving Christians in the Middle East By Gordon Duff with Nahed al Husaini and Dr. Bassam Barakat, VT Damascus Veterans Today met with Syrian Grand Mufti Hassoun.  The Grand Mufti is Syria’s religious leader and the primary advisor to President Assad. He is also a close friend of VT’s Senior Editor, Gordon Duff, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Update Including Lockheed Martin Satellite Grid Deal…

Amazonia for December 10, 2018 What’s with Amazon in the space data game? We learned  about “Amazon’s Plan to Profit from Space Data” from the Daily Herald. Here’s the plan: “Rather than build its own satellite dishes and ground stations, the company has brokered an exclusive “multiyear strategic business agreement” with Bethesda-based defense contractor Lockheed …

Robert Steele: TIME Magazine Beneath Contempt — a CIA Mossad Asset as a “Guardian of Truth?” Seriously?

I don’t make this stuff up. TIME Magazine has once again prostituted itself to CIA and the Mossad while failing to tell the truth about global events and domestic traitors. How unethical do you have to be (TIME Editors are not stupid, far from it) to put a known triple agent (CIA, Mossad, Saudi intelligence) …

Robert Steele: Tim Cook & Anti-Defamation League – Enemies of the Republic

The below article is right on target. Tim Cook is a deeply unethical person who is making possible a fascist censorship system controlled by the Zionist apartheid genocidal invented state of Israel which no thinking Jew (or Christian) supports. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is the “trusted flagger” for #GoogleGestapo and is in constant violation of …