Yoda: COVID Prevention & Treatment UPDATED

Alert Reader writes in: May your 2021 be blessed with joy and health. Placing cautious hope on the newly-available monoclonal anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, and the Covid Vaccines’ international deployment, but expecting some time before building immunity in the general population, and extinguishing this pandemic… What follows is a plea in favor of shifting our Covid response …

Stephen E. Arnold: Microsoft in Death Spiral Denial?

Microsoft: Information Released Like a Gentle Solar Wind I read the New Year’s Eve missive from Microsoft, a company which tries to be “transparent, “Microsoft Internal Solorigate Investigation Update.” I am not sure, but I think the Microsoft Word spell checker does not know that SolarWinds is not spelled Solarigate.   . . . Microsoft is …

Tom Atlee: Large-Scale Collective Sense-Making Processes (Part 5)

Large-scale collective sense-making processes (Sense-making – Part 5) I’ve long advocated the use of multiple processes in public and stakeholder engagements so that synergies among them can be tapped. Recently I’ve been drawn into explorations of sense-making, in which collective sense-making stands out as particularly important. So I decided to apply my multi-process design thinking …

Valerie Bugault : French Public Support of President Donald Trump

A French support committee to the re-election of Donald Trump The re-election of President Trump is of vital interest to peace in Europe and the world. Donald Trump is indeed the first President of the United States since 1988 to have undertaken no war, neither in Europe nor in the Middle East or elsewhere, while …