20120703 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything Google Plus: Michel Bauwens Yesterday 12:20 AM  –  interesting conversation …(about author’s new book) Open Source Open World (with Graphic) Reality Sandwich: The Open Source Everything Manifesto Worth a Look: Open Source Everything Business Software Open Source Equinox Wants Open Source Skeptics Bacula4Hosts Launches Commercial, Open Source Disk Based Backup and Recovery …

Michel Bauwens: Emergence, Crisis, Replacement

Emergence, Crisis, and Replacement of the Era of Decentralized Networks “Technology, and particularly communications technology, generates the conditions of possibility for changes in power structures. Daniel R. Headrick argues in The Tools of Empire that 19th century European imperialism, which at one point controlled three quarters of the surface of the Earth, only became possible …

20120627 Open Source Everything Highlights

Brazil’s Open-Government Shock Treatment Brightcove Open Sources App Cloud, Bets Big On Dual-Screen Apps For Apple TV Citizen apps – enough to monitor open government? Digital visibility is king but what colour is our Open Access future? Hackerspaces, makerspaces, DIYbio community survey IBM: Open source is not winning the war in virtualization, cloud … yet Open …

By the Case: The Open Source Everything Manifesto

Random House Special Markets is welcoming inquiries about purchasing this book by the case.  They only handle books being purchased to be given away, they do not handle books intended to be resold.  44 books per case, 45% per case is the standard discount. Director, Premium Sales: 1-212-572-2329 General Inquiry: 1-800-800-3246 Idea for Individuals:  Get …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Alan Turing the Original Hacker Avatar Increasing Need For… Bank Crime Statistics Concerned Historians Annual Report Cyberspace Neutrality and National Responsibility Extraordinary Things from Humble Origins India Terrorist Threat Within Political Scientists are Lousy Forecasters Radical Openness as an Organizing Principle Reverse Engineering the Human Brain Richard Falk on Middle East Transparency Ending Tyranny VIDEO: …