Marcus Aurelius: Dead People Registering to Vote – Democratic Voter Fraud in Virginia

FBI Investigating After Dead People Registered To Vote In Swing State “Oftentimes we hear our Democratic colleagues suggest that voter fraud doesn’t exist in Virginia, or it’s a myth,” House Speaker William Howell, R-Stafford, said. “This is proof that voter fraud not only exists but is ongoing and is a threat to the integrity of …

Did Clinton Have a Stroke? Will Biden Replace Her? Game Plan for Biden Winning by Championing Reform & Engaging Main Street

UPDATE: Former DNC chairman calls for Clinton contingency plan (Politico) UPDATE: Will Hillary Clinton Drop Out? How Joe Biden Could Become The Next Democratic President (International Business Times) Phi Beta Iota: The media could not be more worthless. Clinton is not suffering from pneumonia, all video and historical evidence points to a severe stroke, rapid …

Owl: Alt Right = Angry Young Men Who Hate Predatory Liberalism…the Anti-Thesis of Hillary Clinton, the 1%, and Regulatory Bureaucracy

The alt-right- is mostly comprised of young guys. That is, what was once something much more straight-forward (pun not intended) – sex, which leads to marriage leads to children leads to community – has become impossible, or close to it, for many of these guys. And as we know since Freud and before, sex is …

Robert Steele: Cracks in Official Narratives — Smerconish Threatens Guliani and GOP “You Go After Clinton’s Health, We’ll Go After 9/11 As An Inside Job”

I have just watched Michael Smerconish threaten Rudy Guliani and the Republican Party on CNN. It was, in one word, FASCINATING! Reading between the lines, Michael Smeronish has opened the door for a complete fracturing of the official two-party narrative that keeps 70% of the public disenfranchised and 99% of the public ill-informed and enslaved. …

Yoda: Trump Will Win, Clinton Will Lose? But What If…

Think, we must. Jaime Enoch Ortega, The Daily Journalist Despite the odds, Donald Trump will beat Hillary Clinton in November Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show The Clinton Campaign Is In Real Trouble A true national poll, 1000 homes across all demographics in all 50 states finds Trump favored by 67%. But What If….

Chuck Spinney & Maureen Dowd on Her Royal Highness Hillary Clinton — Trump Strike Two

Happy Days Are Here Again New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd occasionally gets one just right. Her attached op-ed, The Perfect G.O.P. Nominee, well sums up the happy state of affairs in the smoke filled rooms of the Single-Party American Deep State.  I particularly like Ms. Dowd’s loaded reference to primogeniture, particularly — at the …