Betty Boop: Oh Google,Oh Vimeo,I So Trusted You… #GoogleGestapo Vimeo & YouTube Dying – BitChute Up

 Phi Beta Iota: Everyone is fleeing YouTube. BitChute is still our preferred alternative but there are many others. A meeting will be sponsored in late July to create a video federation with a code of ethics. YouTube can comply with the law or go out of business, we are all now post-YouTube, post #GoogleGestapo. …

Robert Steele: What Would a Full Disclosure Government Look Like? Bill and Robert’s Excellent Adventure (Preview) CLOSED

CLOSED – Superceeded by: Robert Steele: If I Were President ANSWERS: Robert Steele for Dimensions of Disclosure Conference – 68 Questions from #Borg to Zionism versus Judaism 2008 Candidates on the Issues ELECTION 2008 – Lipstick on the Pig (Full Text Online for Google Translate) Binney for DD 2019 Original Call For Questions Below the …

Ben Harrison: Big Tech Censorship

“The techno-fascist organizations like Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and even Wikipedia have become a clear and present danger to humanity. ”  Natural Re-Published with Permission. Visit Ben at Ben Garrison @ Phi Beta Iota

Mike Adams: #GoogleGestapo Techno Tyranny UNLEASHED — Where Is Our President When We Need Him? UPDATE: President Speaks

Human Freedom at the Precipice: The Techno Tyranny Regime has been UNLEASHED (Natural News) A techno tyranny regime has been unleashed against humanity, and it is far more dangerous than even the threat of nuclear weapons. The tech giants have now become more powerful than governments. They hold all the keys and control all speech. …