Berto Jongman: John Harris on Global Battle for the Internet – Just Starting

The global battle for the internet is just starting Two competing visions of our digital future have emerged from China and Silicon Valley. But are they really so different? On one side sits the system used in China, which produces vast amounts of personal data and blurs into a huge apparatus of state surveillance and …

James Fetzer – New Zealand False Flag – No One Died? UPDATE 10: New Zealander Published in Pravda

My bottom line up front: 1. Assailant tapes self driving to mosque 2. Nazi-era music playing from the start. 3. Feel of a video game or home movie. 4. Three fake weapons on floor of car 5. Turns in after passing three red cars 6. An officer there directing him to turn 7. Opens trunk …

SPECIAL: California Fires, DEW Weapons UPDATE 16: Forest Fire Burns Houses & Cars But Not the Forest?

Short URL: Deep State via the US Air Force dark side…. Conclusive  Evidence Proving California Is Under Attack by DEWs Interesting…California wildfires map lines up with proposed high speed rail for California Reference Site: Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & Contrived Fires Updates Below the Fold. Click First Link Above for Photo Essay.