Robert Steele: Dominion vs Sidney Powell — Dr. Cynthia McKinney and My Thoughts

Dominion has sent a letter to Sidney Powell claiming that her assertions are defamatory. I discussed this with Dr. Cynthia McKinney and here are her conclusions with my own concluding comments. Bottom line: Dominion is bluffing. Any lawsuit will subject them to discovery of their source code and that is their worst nightmare. Background: when …

Answers for Tasnim News Agency on Grand Strategy in Relation to Assassination of Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh – And Could He Have Defected?

Death of ‘Zionist Israel’ Sweetest Revenge for Killing of Top Iran Scientist: Ex-CIA Officer Tasnim News Agency, 30 November 2020 UPDATE at End: 3Day3Nights posits defection rather than assassination. Below is the complete four question interview with full answers and four graphics not included in the editorially stunted version above.

Eagle: Does White House Now Control Federal Reserve?

Inquiring mind asked this question.  Here are some answers. 20200904 All the ways a president can (and can’t) influence the Federal Reserve 20191125: Trump Takes Control of the Federal Reserve 20180705 The Fed Is Usually Off-Limits to the President. Is Trump Changing That? Wikipedia: The Federal Reserve Act

Richard Winger: Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh Express Sympathy for Independent Voters

On October 5, the U.S. Supreme Court heard Carney v Adams, 19-309. This is the case over Delaware’s Constitution, which says that no one is eligible to be a member of the three most important state courts unless that individual is a registered member of a party that has voter registration of at least 5%. …

Robert Steele: Comment to President Trump

REQUEST: everyone who cares to, find at @OSSRobertSteele, retweet: Firing @debates back to #LWV. WIll debate @LPNational, @GreenPartyUS @cnstitutionparty on 29 October with @CynthiaMcKinney as moderator. @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @SidneyPowell1 @GenFlynn @TuckerCarlson @LouDobbs @TomiLahren @DanScavino @dbongino @SaraCarterDC @IngrahamAngle — Robert David Steele (@OSSRobertSteele) October 23, 2020

Review: The Trump Century – How Our President Changed the Course of History Forever by Lou Dobbs with Dennis Kneale

5 Stars – Single Best Overview of President Donald Trump’s Value to America In fourteen chapters with an introduction and epilogue for sixteen sections total, this is the single best overview of President Donald Trump’s value to America. Here are a few quotes from this book that should be read by every citizen before Election …