Mongoose: Tragedy Stalks Those Receiving COVID-19 Shots

Dozens of Spontaneous Miscarriages, Stillbirths After COVID-19 Jabs Meiling Lee, Pricipia Scientific International Thirty-four cases of pregnant women experiencing spontaneous miscarriages or stillbirths after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine have been submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Read full article.

Ed Jewett: Oppression by Orgasm (Mostly Fake) . . .

From Unz Review. Oppression by Orgasm? The Porn Industry as Jewish Anti-Fascist Activism & Cultural Terrorism According to Kerl, the ludicrous “fantasy” of a Jewish conspiracy behind pornography, which is irrationally promoted by far-right hate groups, is as follows: Jews use porn to “erode the allegedly ‘natural’ order of white supremacy,” to “subvert. . . …

Martin Armstrong: Bill Gates & MIT Crimes Against Humanity – Vaccine to Tag Children and Remotely Control Fertility

Bill Gates and MIT Unveil Quantum Dots to Mark Children There is a much grander agenda going on. Bill Gates does not want to increase the world population, he was raised to worry about it. Simply put, I find it inconsistent that this guy is really trying to help humanity rather than limit the population …

Yoda: It Was Never Hidden

Alert Reader writes in: In fact, it has been in our faces since the very beginning of our open decadence, which I would date to the early 1950s, when a handful of individuals developed the means of calculating the ratio between Earth resources and number of humans required to exploit them.