SchwartzReport: Government Not Labeling GMO So New Non-Profit Certifiying Non-GMO — Meanwhile, Nanoparticles Entering Food Industry and Harming Blood-Brain Barrier

I love stories like this. Citizens are beginning to do what our corporate controlled government will not. As this report explains a citizen movement has arisen that Aikidos the issue: Instead of listing GMO, they list No-GMO present. It requires no law to list what you don’t have in your food. It’s a brilliant idea. …

SchwartzReport: Judge Convicted of Selling Teens to Prisons — and Guantanamo Costs Taxpayer $900,000 a Year Per Prisoner

This is what prison privatization is leading to. This is not the first case like this of of Judicial corruption. Yet it is full steam ahead for corporate prisons. How can anyone think that corporate prisons was a good idea? Pennsylvania Judge Sentenced to 28 Years in Prison for Selling Teens to Prisons LOU COLAGIOVANNI …

SchwartzReports: No One Trusts the Federal Governments or Corporations — and Growing Public Movement to Divest from Fossil Fuels and Refuse GMOs

More on the the growing Great Schism Trend. Much of this shift in attitude results from the growing disaffection people feel about the Federal government. There is a price to no one ever being held accountable for the financial meltdown, or the constant reminders of the government’s corruption, coupled with the increasing awareness of the …

SchwartzReport: US Infrastructure Sucks & Rise of Democratic Big Data

Our spending practices, as a country, are completely upside down. We spend endless billions on war instead of what it will take to keep the U.S. functioning as a country, as this report makes clear. Think about what is being said here, just in reference to your own area. Our Infrastructure Isn’t Ready for Climate …

SchwartzReport: Europe Saving the Bees — Corruption — and Good News

Will Smartglasses Replace Eyeglasses? PAUL MCDOUGALL – Salon This is coming, it reminds me of when mobile phones began. A few early adapters had phones in their cars, and carried around 10 lb over the shoulder cases for walking around. I had one in Miami, where my ship Seaview was homeported when in American waters, …